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Special Note- all new licenses issued through the state are now digital. When you receive your new license, you need to send it to the LPDC Chairperson or get it to your building rep to be placed in your file.
The Ohio Department of Education places on hold any credential applications that individuals submit without required items, such as transcripts, documents, payments or background checks. In such cases, the applicants receive email notification indicating the specific reasons the Department placed their applications on hold. Beginning Jan. 3, 2017, the Department will limit “hold” times for applications to 60 days. Each applicant who fails to submit required missing items within 60 days will receive a message stating the Department is automatically declining his or her application. The Department charges a nonrefundable $25 processing fee to applicants for each application that it declines. Applicants may resubmit their applications with the required information.
Members of the Local Professional Development Committee:
Louie Rundo- HS
Kevin Jakub- HS
Spencer Warders- MS
Lisa Mollica Preschool
Lisa Galosi- BBHES
Gina Huber- BBHES
Todd Wasil - BBHES - Recorder
Brian Wycuff - Central Office
Meeting Dates: 2024-2025 School Year
Dates for 2024-2025
8/14 9:00 (Monday)
9/16 2:00
10/28 2:00
12/16 2:00
1/27 2:00
2/24 2:00
3/17 2:00
4/28 2:00
5/19 2:00